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It is autumn and we are turning inwards. Time to seek the light there. Meanwhile, outside, various crises appeal to our adaptability, resilience and focus. We receive constant invitations to examine who we (want to) be in this changing world; climate, corona, war, inequality and many more challenges. What can and should we let go and what stays? How can we imagine and then put down a bright and happy future? To do that, we must first dare to look and feel into the darkness. At Sai Mithra, we can support ourselves and each other to stay focused on the light and the good, both within us and outside us, no matter how dark the times are. That starts with opening up to it and wanting to know it. You are most welcome to take that journey together, persevere or just pick it up again.
Before the summer holidays, there was the question of where the need now lies with the student. We had questions, but no answers. Since then, there is more clarity. We are there (still) for anyone who feels the desire and has the courage to enter into the process of transformation. To pause and see what change is needed in yourself and in the world. Whether you come via Onefit or Classpass or have a regular subscription, we offer that possibility of transformation for everyone in regular classes, but also during other activities. A short agenda in this newsletter.
First of all, this Sunday, 30 October, we will have an introductory day for the training. The teacher training is aimed at getting to know yourself better, through chakra teachings and classical Raja Yoga, but also through the Course in Miracles. Very briefly, you will explore what it is like to be happy by discovering what is holding you back in that. The happier you become, the more you will propagate and live that out to others. That is teaching. You are always a teacher in the way you live and propagate what you believe and what your core values are. Do you have the desire to go into depth? To really get to know yourself better on the one hand and make a contribution to the world around you based on love on the other? Then by all means come along. If you can't attend but are still interested, please contact us ( You can always register for an intake and possibly even join later.
Besides the training, self-examination is always stimulated during intensives led by Ilona, Roos and Ganga. For those who have been walking the yoga path for some time there is the possibility for more depth during intensives for advanced students led by Ganga and there will also be modules in which Ganga will initiate you deeper into a certain subject through yoga, silence and teaching. The first module focuses on Sri Aurobindo. This master has a tantric approach that closely matches the needs of our time; becoming aware of the (supramental) light in yourself in order to use it for a better world. The modules are open to anyone interested. The first date follows below and is on the website:
Sai Mithra focuses on deep self-inquiry, but this spiritual process is rooted in the earthly; reality and the material. Thus, our focus is also supported by material conditions. There are lovely Indian blankets inside again and other yoga props, allowing you to comfortably turn inward (without over-firing ;-)). Furthermore, Joan has been teaching on Thursday nights for a while now. For those who don't know her, here's a brief snippet:
Now that Corona is over, we can travel again and so to India. From Sai Mithra, a trip is being organised to India where you can experience what yoga is all about in a different way. By looking up the source of yoga in the context where it comes from, you simultaneously get to know a new part of yourself. Ilona will take you to Bangalore, Tiruvannamalai and Auroville from 11 March to 1 April. An unforgettable experience that will resonate for a long time to come.
All dates listed (for prices, info and registration see website or contact
30 Oct (Sun) introduction day 10:00-13:00 led by Ilona and Arjanne
12/13 Nov (Sat 12:00 - 18:00 and Sun 11:00 - 17:00) start of training year 1 led by Ilona
2 Dec (Fri) 12:00-15:30 led by Ilona
11 Dec (Sun) 10:00-16:30 led by Ilona N.B.: Yoga Nidra and restorative (waiting list)
6 Jan (Fri) led by Rose
Advanced Intensives:
23 Oct (so 11:00 - 17:00) led by Ganga
27 Nov (so 11:00 - 17:00) led by Ganga
18 Dec (so 11:00 - 17:00) led by Ganga
Deepening module:
Jan 21 (Sat) led by Ganga N.B.: subject Sri Aurobindo
3-day Intensive:
28-29-30 Dec (Wed-Do-Fri) led by Ganga
Mantra chanting:
Nov 19 (Sat) led by Sangeetha
Dec 10 (Sat) led by Sangeetha
23 Dec (Fri) led by Ilona followed by savasana 19:00-21:00
India trip:
11 Mar - 1 Apr led by Ilona Bangalore, Tiruvannamalai and Auroville
We wish you light(s) in the darkness!