Roos Vonk

Sai Mithra Yoga docent Roos Vonk

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists."

When I myself just started taking yoga classes at Sai Mithra, I often got frustrated because I felt I was not good enough or could not do something well enough. I encountered all kinds of judgements and beliefs about myself. And about those judgements often came judgements again...Yoga taught me, among other things, and still teaches me, to step out of that circle of self-judgement and choose a different perspective. It teaches me to look at myself from love and to recognise that who I really am goes beyond all those thoughts.

My classes are characterised by stillness and subtlety. Through gentle touch, I help you feel where opening is possible so the energy can start to flow more. In the space that is created, feelings and thoughts can arise that were previously unconscious. I invite you to go to the silence within yourself; to let whatever arises be there without attaching value to it. In silence lies the memory of unity and love, the memory of who you are.

Within yoga, I specialise in the transformative effects of relaxation. This is reflected in my restorative classes and Yoga Nidra classes. I also continue to develop in various forms of healing and energetic massage.