Meditation Restorative Yoga Nidra day

Sai Mithra Yoga Foto

Teacher: Ilona

Date: Sunday 20 October 2024
Time: 09:30 am
 until 13:00
Price: €55,-

This class day will first start with a meditation a lovely Restorative pose and from there be allowed to sink into a deep relaxation, Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra is a technique for deep relaxation on a physical, emotional and mental level.

The body enters a sleep state, while the mind remains awake at all times. This is yogic sleep. You enter a state of consciousness similar to meditation. It is a process in which your body and mind become increasingly still and a purification of unconsciously stored impressions takes place. With deeper relaxation, you move beyond form and time. It is said that 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 3 or 4 hours of sleep. After the practice, you feel clear and rested.

Why 3.5 hours long? So that you are taken into an experience of timelessness, you get the chance to fully experience your body so that you can come to yourself. This is very valuable and even restorative on multiple levels, this experience will take you with it and work through the rest of the days.

This Yoga Nidra session will focus on " turning inwards"

We have space for 12 participants in the yoga school, book your participation soon as full is full.

If you want to join at home or at a time that suits you, you may also join online.

Also, if you are indisposed, we will send the zoom recording afterwards.

Payment will handle outside the website.

love Ilona


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