About us

'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.


Sai Mithra is a centre for transformation. Everything we offer contributes to experiencing personal freedom and universal love. You learn to know and get to the bottom of your thought patterns and fixed beliefs. In these, you always have a choice: to hold or to lift. Thoughts based on fear are replaced by thoughts based on love. You make a journey back to the essence of your 'Self'. This goes beyond 'rethinking' or 'cognitive therapy', because it works through the body. Do you dare and want to enter into this? Then you have come to the right place. At Sai Mithra, we are fully focused on your personal growth and our own.

Yoga Paint Art Overons

Transformative yoga

Your 'state of mind' affects your entire 'state of being'. Which state of being do you choose? Who would you be if you were completely free?

In Transformative yoga, we start from the influence of thinking on your body, physically, energetically and emotionally. Everything you experience, every impression, you store consciously or unconsciously as a memory and this settles in your body as tension, positive or negative. You can release from this by becoming aware of the tension and allowing relaxation.

During yoga, we work with the effect postures have on an energy centre or 'chakra'. Each chakra is connected to certain thoughts and feelings. The specific application of postures allows you to free yourself from the held impressions that cause them. This deepening of yoga allows you to fully know yourself, your thoughts, beliefs and patterns. The moment you realise this more and more, physical boundaries and possibilities will change. You will eventually integrate this naturally into your daily life, both in thought and action.

Yoga classes

All regular yoga classes and intensives are transformative and taught by teachers trained with us. The yoga is characterised by the self-inquiry that takes place while performing postures, pranayama, meditation and mantra chanting.

A characteristic of transformative yoga is that the postures are built up step by step from the basics, with it totally irrelevant how far you eventually get in the pose. This way, you build up a yoga pose from an inner balance.

Your teacher watches with great attention as you perform the postures correctly. The guidance is personal and with the intention of bringing you into a point where it becomes difficult because that is where energetic openings arise. This is where you can encounter fear on all levels that has taken hold, consciously or unconsciously. At that point, you can actively meet and engage a resistance. That resistance can present itself, for example, as pain, fear or anger, but also as an experience of joy and 'bliss' or bliss. With your breathing, linked beliefs can dissolve and you come to the experience of love and wholeness.

Usually in our daily lives we are used to avoiding or skipping these kinds of moments, but during classes we actually seek them out, because that is where the transformation from fear to love takes place.


We are increasingly offering workshops at Sai Mithra with transformation as the connecting thread. Workshops, teachings and intensives are provided by our own teachers, by guest teachers or in collaboration with each other. During intensives, there is extra opportunity and focus on different aspects of yoga, such as pranayama, mudra and bandhas. In addition, themes such as 'intention', 'gratitude', 'forgiveness' are explored in depth and there is more space for experiencing the chakras. Thus, during the intensives, mantra chanting and meditation, you will be guided in deepening your own yoga practice.

There is also a diverse range of workshops given by guest lecturers. Their work fits well with our way of working and can deepen and enrich your process of transformation. Leading are the self-examination that takes place in each workshop and becoming aware of your thoughts and patterns. The workshops allow you to start applying transformative yoga in other forms and fields.

For instance, play more with the space around you and become aware of your energy during a Duo-Yoga class or during Parent and Child Yoga. Explore your inner source during Yoga Nidra and or Restorative Intensives. Go even deeper during the Post Teacher Training that starts again in January 2025.

Get more insight into certain themes such as tantra, sexuality or immortality with a teaching.

In short, we have a lot of knowledge and are very happy to pass it on to the students who come to us.

Foto Ganga Hoogendoorn

Founder Ganga Hoogendoorn

Ganga Hoogendoorn developed the form of yoga we impart at Sai Mithra and founded the yoga centre. She has combined the practice of yoga with her spiritual process of transformation. From this, Transformative Yoga was born. Her knowledge comes from an ever constant self-examination. She has gained her experience by immersing herself in the philosophy and practice of yoga, as well as through her massage practice. In the latter, she uses techniques from Ayurveda and shiatsu, among others. She has linked these eastern sciences with the western teaching of 'A Course in Miracles', aimed at lifting fear-based thoughts.

Ganga now works mainly from home to pass on her knowledge and focuses more and more on guiding the prana process. In the process, you learn to live from light. This process can accelerate your path of transformation. Within Sai Mithra, she regularly gives guest lectures and satsangs.

The Book of Transformative Yoga

Together with Willemke (Meena) Stilma, Ganga has compiled her knowledge in the book 'Transformative Yoga'. It is the result of Ganga's years of experience. What is special about this book is the description of the energy centres, explanation of how the yoga postures work on them and attention to related thoughts based on 'A Course in Miracles'.

You can think of this book as a manual in your process of transformation. The form and content will help you open up to love. The book allows you to deepen your practice of Transformative Yoga at home. It is a clear and practical tool for experiencing not only the physical aspects of yoga, but also allowing the emotional and energetic experiences that can be released when performing yoga postures. You can supplement individual practice with classes and intensives at Sai Mithra.