
"Our playing
small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do."

Learn to live from love!

Do you want to live less from your head, and more from your heart?
Do you dare to find the strength in yourself that you really are?
Do you want to experience more confidence and stillness?

3 x a 'YES'? ... If you feel the desire to live more from love and want to explore where you are holding yourself back in this, then the three-year teacher training is for you. You don't need to be an experienced yogi to do the training. It is only necessary that you have a willingness to enter into the process of transformation. Therefore, the training can be a good deepening even if you already have experience.

"To teach is demonstrating. There are only two systems of thought, and you are constantly demonstrating your belief that either one or the other is true. From what you demonstrate, others learn, and so do you."

Move from fear to love

From untruth to truth.
From dark to light.
From death to immortality

You will learn to apply the process of transformation more and more in your daily life, your actions and thinking. This will start to permeate everything you do, your body, your patterns, your work and your relationships. You will learn this through transformational yoga, focusing on Patanjali's traditional yoga, chakra teachings and bodywork. There is good personal guidance for the emotional, spiritual and mental process taking place. You do not absorb the knowledge passively by listening, reading books or practising the asanas endlessly. You actively, but gradually, enter into a process with all that you are. That is why classes are monthly and the training lasts three years.

'You can not give to anyone else, but only to yourself that you learn by teaching.'

And then?

You will live an increasingly lighter and joyful life.
You are going to recognise that you are love.
You become more firmly entrenched.

After three years, you will be able to teach independently, but even if not on the yoga mat, you will start 'teaching' people. You will take them into your own process by how you live. Ask about the experience of our teachers or send an email if you want to know more!

The path of a yogi (practice)

The course consists of three course years. Each month there is a 6-hour class day on Friday, Saturday or Sunday during the day, in addition to your weekly regular class* (10 months per year). The groups in the course are small (maximum 12 students). There is a lot of personal attention to guide you through your process.

In year 1, you will learn to appropriate and apply yoga more in your daily life. You will look at your behaviour and work with Patanjali's precepts (Yamas and Niyamas). We will focus on the physical postures (Asanas), address the Energy Centres (Chakras) and the relationship between the two. It is a year of introspection, personal development and yoga focuses more on you and the physical body.

During year 2, you broaden your scope and explore how yoga works through in your contact with others. Among other things, you learn to correct postures intensively and carefully with your fellow students, both physically and energetically. This helps you feel more deeply and understand more about the chakras. More attention is paid to controlling the breath and energy (Pranayama). You learn to relate to your sensory impressions (Pratyahara). Attention shifts more and more to your emotional and subtle (or energetic) body.

Year 3 focuses on the transformative aspect of yoga and living a transformative life. Classroom teaching is practised, where you learn to put down a class independently. We dedicate this year to the science of yoga. Meditation becomes increasingly important and with it the final steps of Patanjali's 8-fold yoga path (Dharana, Dyana and Samadhi). You really go to the source and most of the focus is on your thoughts, the mental (or causal) body. Integration takes place; the different bodies become more and more aligned and the yoga starts to filter through into your daily life.

* If you are from out of town or cannot or do not want to attend the regular classes for other reasons, there are also opportunities to attend the course, contact us.

 In mid-November 2024, we will again start the first year of this Transformative Teacher Training. If you follow your heart and know this is it for you, sign up in advance so we can also guide you to start the training properly.


In 2024-2025, the cost for the yoga training is €2200 (incl. VAT) per year. This amount can be transferred in full before the start of the year, or in 10 instalments, always prior to the training days. The following is included in this price a 10 monthly training days of 6 hours (60 hours per year). If you pay for the year in one go, the amount comes to €2150 incl. unlimited regular classes per week at Sai Mithra.(1 lesson per week required. Minimum 60 hours per year) 

  • 50% discount on regular intensives at Sai Mithra of 3 hours (for training, we oblige 4 intensives of your choice per year. That comes to a minimum of 12 hours per year) This discount is valid for Arjanne and Ilona's intensives.(Roos by arrangement)

Literature and supplementary

You are not required to read books, but there are a few reference books you can't really do without:

  • Transformative yoga / Ganga Hoogendoorn and Willemke stilma
  • Yoga Dipika / B.K.S. Iyengar
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / I.K. Taimni
  • Yamas and the Niyamas / Ajata Tribe
  • A Course in Miracles / from Ankhhermes Publishers


It is a valuable addition to take the massage course with Ganga Hoogendoorn, beginners and possibly advanced. This deepens your knowledge of anatomy, meridians, diseases and is supportive in learning to correct.

Intensives, both single 3-hour intensives and possibly whole days or series, deepen your knowledge and feel of yoga. You can take intensives with Sai Mithra (50% discount if you are in training with Ilona and Arjanne).


Finally, there is an increasingly wide range of workshops and other events that can contribute to your process in various ways. Think of:

  • Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga, if you want to learn to relax more deeply.
  • Meditation: some classes focus more on meditation,from japa-mala to zen. For deeper meditations, you can also go to the meditations at Ganga.
  • Mantra chanting: there are workshops and monthly you can join the evenings with Sangeetha.
  • Trauma-sensitive yoga, for yourself and in relation to your field of work, for example. - Yoga and addiction
  • Tantra, Relationships and Sexuality

You can also pamper yourself and speed up your process by going to massages or amanae sessions and/or participating in yoga trips and/or the prana process. You can visit masters and teachers such as Mother Meera, the Dalai Lama, Amma or Mooji.


Year 1 |  Fri 22 & Sat 23 Nov, Sat 21 Dec, Fri 24 & Sat 25 Jan, Fri 14 & Sat 15 Feb, Fri 11 Sat 12 Apr, Fri 16 & Sun 18 May, Fri 20 & Sat 21 June 

Year 2 |  Fri 8 & Sat 9 Nov, Sat 7 Dec, Fri 10 Jan & Sat 11 Jan, Sat 8 Feb, Fri 7 Mar & Sat 8 Mar, Sat 5 April, Fri 9 & Sat 10 May , Sat 14 June   

Year 3 |    Sat 09 Nov, Fri 6 & Sat 7 Dec, Sat 11 Jan, Fri 7 & Sat 8 Feb, Sat 08 Mar, Fri 04 & Sat 05 April, Sat 10 May, Fri 13 & Sat 14 June.

*Data may still be adjusted in consultation with students.

Friday 22 November 2024 we will start again the first deepening year of the Transformative Yoga Training Course. If you are interested send an email or ask your question to our team of teachers.

We work with a small group so be quick because full is full, max 12 participants.

Since we have limited space and you want to be sure of your spot for the path of self-realisation then book through a deposit of €200


Friday from 18:00-21:00

Saturday from 11:30-17:30

Sunday from 11:00-17:00 by arrangement from 10:00-16:00


The training as given at Sai Mithra is certified, but it is not a recognised training. We pass on yoga in the traditional Indian way, which is from teacher to student. Transformative yoga was initiated by Master Agastya and is fully supported by him. The head teacher is initiated to also initiate students after completing the training. You will then be initiated in the traditional way.

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