Ilona Nijman

Foto Ilona Nijman

"Where there is light, there is silence; Love."

How did I come into contact with transformative Yoga?

At 25, I was sick more often and felt weaker than I was used to.
The panic that overtook me whenever I was sick for more than a week was fuelled by my doubt that I would ever regain my strength. I got to the point where I thought " this can't go on" and started asking for help. Ganga Hoogendoorn massaged me every fortnight and introduced me to transformative yoga. The lessons were fine and confrontational at the same time, they loosened up a lot and left me wanting more. My strength returned and I came closer and closer to my basis, mentally and physically.

Then I knew:'this is my path'.

For me, yoga means giving loving attention to everything present in your body and mind. Experiencing and accepting your sensations without judgement, that's where you can experience stillness. Where it is empty and at the same time complete, where heaviness and lightness are connected. This works through in the connection with my loved ones closest to me and the world.

After years of teaching yoga in gymnasiums and in my living room, 5 years ago I was allowed to take over yoga school Sai Mithra from Ganga, my great inspiration. The first 4 years I ran it alone and now I get to share this responsibility with Arjanne and Kristian.

In my class, I focus on gentleness and love, becoming aware of tensions and limitations of the physical body and mind.
I would love to take you into the touch, connection and stillness that yoga brings me and move together towards complete freedom, beyond fears and limitations.

See you in Sai Mithra!